Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Confessions: Why a Second Blog

I bet that many of you are still wondering why I started a second blog.

Do you think I have too much time on my hands, or that I just really am that crazy? It's probably the latter, but just hear me out. 

In the "lifestyle blogging" world we joke that we only get out of our houses and see the world so that we have something to blog about other than Netflix, wine and our significant others (where applicable). While that's true for JumpingJE, it's far from the truth for Not the Average Bear.

The content that you find on Not the Average Bear is how I'm already living my life. Eating well, maximizing sweat sessions and balancing life's big dilemmas are daily activities of mine. In the past few months I feel like I've made some personal progress in both fitness and mental health - so I feel like I have earned the "right" to share with you. While this may be a false notion, sharing my world with you helps me to continuously seek ways to develop myself personally and hopefully enrich your world in the process.

Simple reasons why I started a second blog:

+ People ask me about fitness and nutrition - now I have a link to direct them to.
+ JumpingJE can be anything on any given day, this blog is focused and adds credibility.
+ I like food.
+ I like to sweat.
+ I like talking about food and sweating.
+ I like to put sweaty selfies on social media.
+ I want to read more personal development books.
+ I want to learn more about paleo.
+ I have weight to lose, too!
+ I want to show you my progress and inspire you!

The final big mega "aha!" reason is this:

When I add more things into my life (like a second blog or a second job), it helps me to organize the rest of my life and clearly define my priorities. What comes from that? I weed out all of the negative that's not helping me push any closer to achieving my goals! Make sense?

Good, because it's science! 

 photo JessiFitPdxmesig.png

Linking up today with fit & fierce Kathy!


  1. I think it totally makes sense, especially if you have readers who may not be interested in the fitness/health related topics. Do whatever makes you happy and if you find that this will help keep you accountable, keep on keeping on!

  2. I'm glad you started a second blog!
    Who knows how many people you're going to affect in such a positive way with these posts! :)

  3. 3 times the sweaty jessi selfies with 2 blogs and snapchat?! YES!

  4. Well I'm glad that you started this second blog because... I like reading about food and sweating :)

  5. I second what Brooke Lyn said...YES. Solid.

  6. Your reasoning behind starting a second blog makes total sense!


Flex for me!